Film Review: Rear Window

Before starting this review I'd like to apologise for my recent delays in uploading. For those who do not know, I have just started University and in the time preparing for it and now attending it I have had less time to work on my Blog. With this in mind I have decided to upload every 2-3 weeks instead of every 1-2 weeks. Not only do I think this is a more realistic deadline for me to reach currently, I also believe this will give me more time to find interesting subjects to discuss. Alfred Hitchcock is perhaps one of the most recognisable directors of all time. His films have defined decades of cinema in a large range of genres. As well as this, his innovations continue to impact media even now, such as the creation of the Dolly zoom in ‘Vertigo’ or the ways he snuck around censors in ‘Psycho’. Whilst I can’t say I’ve seen all his films (particularly not some of his earlier work), I have nonetheless enjoyed all the ones I have. This continued to be the case with his h...